Potato is a humble, hardworking vegetable. But what exactly is this potato? Is the potato a vegetable or a fruit? What you need to understand.
Are Potatoes Vegetables?
A potato is a vegetable. It is a root vegetable that comes from a plant grown annually.
According to the USDA, vegetables are divided into five groups based on nutritional value: dark-green, bean and pea, starchy, red or orange, and other vegetables.
Where do potatoes fit in? A potato is a starchy vegetable, also known as.
What is a starch?
Starchy vegetables have a higher starch content than other categories of vegetables (shocking!). Starch is one type of carbohydrate. It’s the most important type of carbohydrate you consume.
Unfortunately, carbohydrates are often given a bad reputation. They provide your body with much-needed energy. Starch is a more complex carbohydrate made of sugar molecules joined together.
Our Favorite Potato Recipes From Grandma
A balanced, healthy diet combines starchy (potatoes and corn) and non-starchy (leafy vegetables, cauliflower, asparagus, etc.). ).
Potato Nutrition
It may surprise many, but potatoes are incredibly nutritious. You must look beyond their greasy French fries or buttery mashed potato image to understand how they can be a part of a healthy diet. Note: We have nothing against French Fries or Mashed Potatoes, but most people don’t consume them to gain health benefits.
These delicious but calorically-dense foods are made of potatoes. However, that does not mean they should be included in your daily intake of vegetables. Take ice cream, which is made of milk. Does this mean we should disregard milk’s health benefits and classify it as dessert? No.
Starchy vegetables like potatoes are a great source of fiber, carbohydrates, and protein.
The Bottom Line
Potatoes are vegetables. It’s a starchy veggie with a different nutritional profile than other vegetables. But that makes it suitable. White potatoes aren’t necessarily vegetables you should prioritize in your daily diet.