Cloves of garlic

What does it mean when your recipe asks for a minced or smashed garlic clove? What’s the difference between a clove and a head of garlic? (plus how to replace pre-minced fresh garlic)

What is a clove of garlic?

The head is different from the clove. A charge of garlic is the entire bulb covered with a papery skin. Peeling back the skin reveals individual wedge-shaped segments called cloves. The cloves can be easily separated from one another, so you can use only a few and keep the rest (also called a knob or a bulb) intact.

Although individual cloves may be small, they are packed with power. Garlic, although it is technically a vegetable, is used as a seasoning in small quantities to enhance the flavor of recipes.

How much is a clove of garlic?

When peeling a head, you’ll see that some garlic cloves are more significant than others. What do you do if your recipe requires three cloves but you only have one jar of minced garlic on hand? There’s no exact measurement because garlic cloves are different sizes. Here’s a general rule: Use one teaspoon of pre-minced cloves for each clove your recipe requires. If your recipe calls on three cloves, you can use three teaspoons.

What happens if the cloves on a head are unusually big or small? Don’t panic. Use your best judgment. One garlic clove will make little difference to the flavor of many dishes. Depending on your taste, you can use more or less than the recipe specifies.

How many cloves are in a head of garlic?

Each head is unique. Some leads will only have five cloves, while others will have up to 20. The majority of garlic bulbs that you will find in the supermarket contain between 10 and 12 cloves.


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