How many grams in a cup

Ever wondered how many grams are in a single cup? This guide will help you convert everyday baking and cooking ingredients from cups into grams. This guide includes conversion charts that allow you to see the amounts of components at a glance.

You have probably been there too. You’re following a recipe on the internet that lists the ingredients in cups and tablespoons.

The result… could be better.

The most common reason is that measuring by weight (grams) is more accurate than using cups. It is important to measure ingredients accurately, especially when baking.

Imagine this: You could gently scoop the flour into a small cup. You can also compact the flour by pressing it down. A cup that is packed will hold more flour.

You may not know that a teacup is a standard unit of measurement and not a cup!

Converting cups to grams is a simple way to up your baking game.


In the modern world, two central systems measure weight and volume.

The United States Customary System is used primarily in the United States. The Metric System is also known as the SI and International System of Units, widely used in other countries.

The Metric System measures mass in kilograms and grams.

The US Customary System is a British Imperial System that measures in cups (tbsp), teaspoons (tsp), or tablespoons. Weight or mass can also be measured in ounces.

What is a Gram?

One gram, called initially a gram, is one-thousandth of a kilogram. There are also 1000 milligrams per gram.

You can measure liquid and solid ingredients using grams.

Digital kitchen scales are the best way to measure grams.

What is a cup?

There are many different cups, including the US measuring cup, Metric cup, British cup, and your favorite coffee cup.

standard 1-cup measuring cup in the United States has a specific size. It is equivalent to 16 tablespoons or 1/2 pint, or 1/4 quart.

Cups can come in all sizes. These cups are not accurate for measuring. My coffee cup is enormous!

The standard volume for a British or Metric Cup is 240 g (or 250 ml). However, most recipes use grams rather than cups in the UK, Europe and Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and other countries.


This table will show you the number of grams in a cup for measuring liquids.

The weight of most liquids is the same or very similar. Water, tea, coffee, and other explicit or transparent drinks include water, juice, broth, etc.

For these liquids, ml and grams are interchangeable.

A cup is 240g or 240 ml.

Expert Tips for Measuring with a Cup

If you’re unable to use a kitchen scale and your recipe calls for cups, follow these tips:

Flour and other dry ingredients: If needed, stir the element to break up any lumps. Pour it into the cup or spoon it in. Use a spoon to scoop the ingredients, not the cup. This can cause them to compact. After that, use a knife to level the top so that the element is at the same height as the edge of the cup.

Liquid Ingredients: Use liquid measuring cups if available. They have a spout on top that makes pouring easy. If you use a dry measuring cup, fill it to the brim. Fill the measuring cup up to the top if you are using dry cups.

Semi-liquid ingredients: Peanut butter, yogurt, and other “wet” ingredients should be spooned or scooped into the dry measuring cup. Use a knife to level.

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