Pre-game Meals of the World’s Best Athletes

When it comes time to perform at your absolute best, a solid pre-game meal can make all the difference. While some people swear by a banana and a protein shake, others will claim that a bacon and egg roll is the only thing that will get them across the finish line. With State of Origin Game 2 upon us, Delivery Hero decided to have a look at what some of the best athletes in the world eat before performing on the big stage…

Michael Jordan – Basketball – Steak and Potatoes

When “His Airness” was dominating basketball courts as the greatest player the world has ever seen he seemed to defy gravity with his giant leaps and graceful body control. Who would have thought that the fuel behind those great performances was nothing other than a solid meal of a 23-ounce steak, a baked potato and a green salad, all washed down by a ginger ale and eaten exactly four hours before every single game?

Ryan Lochte – Swimming – McDonald’s (Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner)

Champion swimmer, notable quotable and reality show star Ryan Lochte has gone from break records and gliding through water to living life in a media-created fishbowl. When asked what powered him to win 4 medals at the Beijing Olympics, that answer was a little bit unexpected; Lochte ate between 8,000 to 10,000 calories per day during his swimming preparation, fuelled by a diet of scrambled eggs, sausages, McMuffins, hashbrowns, McNuggets, Double Cheeseburgers and Big Macs. Well, if it works for the best…

Cameron Smith – Rugby League – Sausage Roll and a Coke

When he was an up-and-coming Rugby League star in the Brisbane League, not too many things surprised Queensland State of Origin captain Cameron Smith’s team-mates. As the best player on the team he could make 50 tackles and kick the game winning field goal and it wouldn’t phase them, but his pre-game meal made them do a double take; he would prepare for every game with a sausage roll and a can of Coke!

Justin Verlander – Baseball – Taco Bell Crunch Taco Supremes

One of the best players in the game, Cy Young award-winning pitcher Justin Verlander prepares for each Major League game by filling his tank up with nothing other than three Taco Bell tacos (without tomato), a Cheesy Gordita Crunch and a Mexican Pizza (again without the tomatoes). The mega meal comes with a price tag of around $40US, but as long as Verlander keeps pitching like a star his team supports it 100%.

Peyton Manning – NFL – Grilled Chicken, Pasta Marinara, Baked Potato, Broccoli & Gatorade

Having played football at the highest level for nearly 2 decades, 4-time MVP knows exactly how to prepare for the pressure of an NFL battle in front of 50,000+ screaming fans; with a wholesome meal of grilled chicken, pasta marinara, a Jordan-like baked potato, broccoli and an icy-cold Gatorade. Listen and learn sports fans, listen and learn.

What do you eat before a game (even a video game? Do you have any rituals that you follow exactly before competing? Share your pre-game prep with us in the comments section; we’d love to hear from you!

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