Spicy Ice Cream – Not Just Another Food Blogger Interview

Lisa is a graphic designer who started Spicy Ice Cream – one of Sydney’s first baking blogs – in 2007. If you hadn’t guessed already, she’s a significant ice cream fan and has a soft spot for puppies, travel, photography, and polka dots. As a recipe developer, she’s come up with some new twists on Aussie classics like pavlova and lamingtons. Read on to find out why she’s Not Just Another Food Blogger!

Who or what inspired you to take the plunge and start your food blog?

I’ve always loved photography and remember taking photos of my lunch as a kid! When I was about 17, I discovered baking and quickly became obsessed, which led me to collect cookbooks and magazines and then find food blogs. Blogging was still new in Australia, but it was the perfect way to combine my passions.

It’s nice to see some Aussie recipes represented in Spicy Ice Cream! What’s your favorite local recipe?

I love pavlova but can’t help but give it a little twist, so the pavlova ice cream smash was born! The perfect combination of homemade ice cream, meringue, and whatever summer fruits you like. How has eating out influenced your cooking and food appreciation?

A good meal can be anything from cheap dumplings to a waterfront fine dining experience with matched wines. I love that the Sydney dining scene is diverse and multicultural, and I could spend hours in Asian and Middle Eastern grocery stores and farmers’ markets. I get always inspired by interesting ingredient combinations I had never thought of.

What’s your most memorable dining experience?

Universal in Darlinghurst was my favorite Sydney restaurant before it closed; I had some excellent meals there that I’ll never forget. Also, everything I ate in Penang – not one average meal- was perfect!

How has the food blogging scene changed since you began in 2007?

I’ve met so many amazing people! There are hundreds of bloggers, and social media has really changed how we share our experiences. Great eye-catching photography is more important than ever to attract and hook people.

Which Aussie food blogger stands out to you as ‘Not Just Another Food Blogger’?

Steph from Raspberri Cupcakes is so creative with her baking and, every week, makes incredible desserts. She’s a good friend, and I’ve been lucky enough to receive a few epic birthday cakes over the years.

What’s your all-time favorite dish, and what makes it so good?

Any fruit pie with a massive scoop of ice cream on top. It’s the ultimate comfort food and one of my favorite things to make because you can use any fruit in season, and the combinations are endless.

What have you learned since you started blogging, and what do you love most about it?

It all comes back to baking. I’ve learned so much just by trying hundreds of different recipes. Once I had learned the techniques, I felt more confident to experiment with the flavors, and this is my favorite part – I love brainstorming and creating new recipe ideas.

What’s on your dish or restaurant wishlist?

I can’t stop thinking about Texas barbecue. I’ll have to plan a trip to eat as much brisket as possible.

Your favorite idol (insert movie star, author, famous person) is coming for dinner tomorrow night. Who is it, and what would you cook? Or where do you take them for dinner?

Anthony Bourdain. He’s traveled and eaten worldwide and would have some fantastic stories to tell. I’d take him to my favorite farmers market to pick out great products, then ply him with scotch while I slow-cook a spiced lamb shoulder.

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