Tacocopter – The Future of Food Delivery?

Over the past couple of days, the web has been abuzz about a revolutionary method for fast-food delivery – the Tacocopter. If you haven’t heard the news, or you’ve been living under a rock that doesn’t have internet access, it’s no wonder that the concept has made people very excited.

Let’s get real, who hasn’t ever felt a rumble in their belly and secretly wished that a delicious taco would fall from the heavens? Right? Well, some next-level geniuses over in San Francisco have heard the prayers of millions and delivered the future of food delivery to the world – or have they?

 Tacocopter is supposed to work like this: You place an order via their slick-looking website, type in your address and wait for the food drone to arrive. Food drone? Yep. Looking like something out of Terminator 2, the Tacocopter may someday wage a relentless war on humanity, but until then, it is also perfectly suited to flying delicious Mexican home delivery around the neighborhood.

The Tacocopter almost sounds too good to be true, and, unfortunately, that seems out to be the case. After doing some digging around, the boffins over at Wired magazine decided to track down the founder of Tacocopter, Star Simpson, to get some more details about the business. Heartbreak ensued:

 “Partly it was so I would keep thinking about how to make something like this work, and partly it was to do the same for other people. A vision. Like what cyberpunk did for the Internet — mull the possibilities, give people things to think about,” said Simpson when interviewed about Tacocopter. “The other motivation is that we basically only hear about quad-rotors in scary contexts, and I think it does give that fear and emotional tension a safe and hilarious outlet.

It’s completely understandable if you just shed a tear or two on the news that the Tacocopter is still just a dream – the author still has not completely recovered from having the life-long dream of aerial food delivery cruelly snatched from his grasp. Apparently, the US government isn’t completely ok with people flying unmanned drones over major cities, something about blah blah regulations blah safety. So, until the CIA stops being so uptight, it looks like Delivery Hero will have to stick to heroic food delivery the old-fashioned way.

How do you imagine food delivery in the future?

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